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Cognee v0.1.4

Cognee - release v0.1.4

New Features

Enhanced Text Processing Capabilities:

Customizable models for classification, summarization, and labeling have been introduced to extend the versatility of our text analytics.

Better Graph Integration and Visualization:

We have revamped our graph logic. Introduced comprehensive support for multiple graph database types including but not limited to Neo4j and NetworkX, enhancing integration and scalability. New functions for graph rendering, color palette generation, and dynamic graph visualization to help you better visualize data relationships and structures.

DSPy Module:

You can now train your graph generation query on a dataset and visualize the results with the dspy module.

Async Support:

Added asyncio support in various modules to improve performance and system efficiency, reducing latency and resource consumption.


Infrastructure Upgrades:

Our infrastructure has been significantly upgraded to support a wider range of models and third-party providers, ensuring compatibility and performance. Improved configuration settings for a more robust and adaptive operational environment.

Graph and Logic Improvements:

Improved Neo4j Integration: Enhancements to our Neo4j graph database integration for better performance and stability. Semantic Links and Node Logic: We have improved the semantic linkage between nodes and enhanced the node logic for a more intuitive and powerful user experience.


Asynchronous Module Updates:

Various modules have been updated to use asynchronous operations to enhance the responsiveness and scalability of our systems.


Enhanced Documentation:

We have extensively added to and reorganized our documentation.

Bug Fixes

Data Handling and Logic Improvements:

Fixed several inconsistencies in data handling and improved the logic flow in text input processing.